Training Courses

The main tasks and functions of training courses

- provides training and advanced training for personnel of both senior and middle managers of the industry:

- organizes and conducts classes in several areas - the technology of primary processing of raw cotton, assessment of the quality of cotton products, financial and economic problems; issues of technical and environmental safety of production; certification, classification, marketing of cotton fiber, etc.

It develops the technical, software and methodological foundations of a distance learning system for specialists of enterprises of Uzpakhtasanoat JSC in order to cover a significant number of workers from all regions of the republic realizing the possibility of training according to individual schedules.

Directions of training courses:

- Classification, certification and marketing of cotton fiber;

- Certification of food, agricultural products and inspection control.


Phones for information: 998 (99) 897-63-63


Training Courses


Technical training for staff of the center

The center has created opportunities to improve the quality of the process of professional development of the center’s personnel, to harmonize its knowledge and professionalism with the development of the socio-economic sphere, to obtain new knowledge in relevant areas, there are many opportunities for acquiring skills in the right direction.

In the central office and regional branches in the areas of grain, seed production and cotton, technical classes were organized on relevant topics. Classes are held every Friday from 09:00 to 10:00. All employees participate in these lessons. The lessons are focused on the use and implementation of new modern innovations in local conditions. Classes are held in the form of seminars, field practice, master classes.

Lesson topics are relevant and are planned for one year.

Schedule of technical classes for 2019 (in directions)

Schedule of technical studies in the direction of grain (.pdf 720 kB)

Schedule of technical classes in the direction of cotton (.pdf 424 kB)

Schedule of technical classes in the field of seed production (.pdf 636 kB)


Rate organization service


Address: Uzbekistan, Tashkent, M-14, 27
Phone: +998 (71) 244-87-49
Fax: +998 (71) 244-87-49

Contact form

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